Dr. Sarah Dalrymple ran an exercise in her BIO530 Scientific Teaching course, that had some excellent tips for all our ASU instructors. Below is her summary of that activity. This semester in the graduate-level Scientific Teaching course (BIO 530), we have talked a lot about active learning pedagogies and how to successfully implement them in the classroom. In a recent class, the graduate students considered hypothetical classroom scenarios involving challenges that often come up when instructors try to implement active learning. For this post, I chose one scenario and presented the notes from our class discussion about possible solutions to the challenge. Davis Blasini, Latoya Campbell, Keith Crenshaw, Ryan Davila, and Tiffany Lewis came up with and compiled most of the ideas listed below. Scenario: You know that it is important to check for understanding at multiple times during a class period, but every time you ask if anyone in the class has questions, no one ever says anyt...