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TeachT@lk Webinar: Engaging Discussions

The average faculty member spends 75% of class time talking to students. 

Maybe it's time to turn the tables, and let the students do the talking!
We've learned through research that students learn by "collaborating through dialogue", and the benefits include a deeper understanding of the content as they explain information and integrate different perspectives. (Chi, 2009) We've also learned that there are a number of challenges to running discussions. From classroom furniture that doesn't allow small group discussions, to class size and student engagement, faculty have to have some strategies for successfully implementing this teaching strategy.

In Tuesday's webinar we showed how to do discussions better with some tips that included:
  • Setting the Appropriate Environment
  • "Peeling the Onion" with the 4 Stages of a Discussion
  • Honoring Silence
  • And many other ideas!
 For more information, check out the links below, or contact Amy Pate.



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