Palm Walk, Arizona State University, Tempe Campus. While Fall is not in the weather for Arizona, the Fall semester has arrived on campus! As we get back into the swing of things, we've read some interesting articles that are relevant to you as the semester begins. How to Prepare for Class Without Overpreparing This article by James M. Lang (author of our forthcoming reading group book pick!), gives us permission to take it easy when preparing for our classes. He provides four quick ways he has adjusted his courses to engage students. You may find that you're already doing some of them! How to Make Smart Choices About Tech for Your Course This article by Michelle D. Miller, has extensive and excellent advice on considering the technology you choose to include in your course. She poses THE great question that Amy and I often have, "Is it necessary? Will it improve the learning?" The author also includes several resources that are worth checking out. How to...