My name is Richard Clarke. I serve as the Laboratory Coordinator for all of BIO 181—that’s about 70 sections this semester— and have been working with Dreamscape Learn since 2021. With the semester starting up, I thought I would share with you a little about what has been going on in the largest class in SOLS. In the Fall of 2022 we officially transitioned to a whole new curriculum in the laboratory for BIO 181. This new modality brings together sound pedagogy with recent technological innovations in the form of virtual reality. Dreamscape Learn BIO 181 species pictured: Astelar As part of this new curriculum, students will be able to don a headset and navigate around the Intergalactic Wildlife Federation. Here they will be encountering novel species and help to uncover why some of the species are suffering: exploring the relationship between environmental conditions and survival rates of the astelars; investigating the pathological features of the disease responsible for a spike in m...