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TeachT@lk: Making Grading Easier by Creating Good Rubrics

Thank you to all those who attended our
TeachT@lk Webinar!
Our TeachT@lk webinar, held on Tuesday, Nov. 4, 3-4pm, covered several important aspects of creating "good" rubrics to make the grading process more effective and efficient. Throughout the session, we reviewed crucial components of rubrics (ie., critieria, level of competencies, descriptors) and discussed multiple examples (e.g., discussion participation, standard-based rubrics). Additionally, we looked at strategies to get started creating good rubrics and using them with Blackboard.

Below are some of the resources mentioned during the webinar, along with the slides and recording.  If you have questions, or are interested in integrating rubrics in your class, please contact Amy Pate (

Webinar Recording & Slides:
Helpful Resources:
  • – rubrics for various subjects & levels

As always, feel free to make comments to this post, and share your experiences! 
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