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"Learning On The Run" TeachT@lk Webinar

On Tuesday, July 12, our TeachT@lk webinar on "informal learning" looked at various examples on integrating this type of learning into our courses. Although there are some challenges for faculty that want to use informal learning like organizing group work, time limitations and assessing the work, the benefits include:
  • Reinforcement and extension of important concepts from class
  • Appealing to multiple learning preferences
  • Connecting class content with a student's personal goals and motivation
  • Giving students skills to learn outside, and beyond the classroom
  • Helping students develop a Personal Learning Environment (Bonwell & Eison, 1991; Felder & Brent, 2009)
To take advantage of informal learning opportunities, faculty can create open-ended assignments, give students choices in topics, and options for a final deliverable. For these types of projects to be successful faculty should help students identify resources, and develop a work flow, including timelines, goals, and how it will be assessed. They should also require students to submit reflections periodically on their project.

The webinar ended by sharing different types of resources for informal learning materials. We focused on four areas: Academic, Just-in-Time, Mobile, and Social. They are listed below in our Resource Links. Let us know how you plan to use informal learning this summer!

References, Resources and Links:
Webinar Recording:
PowerPoint slides

 Academic Examples: MOOCs and courses from a variety of institutions
 Just in Time Examples: Quick tutorials and information available as needed
 Mobile Examples: Location-based and augmented reality
Social Examples: Collection of content from variety of online sources and peers


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