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TeachT@lk Webinar: Delivery Effective Feedback

This week's TeachT@lk Webinar focused on our summer theme of "Feedback". This time we talked about the different ways to deliver feedback. We started by discussing the ideal situation to give both effective and convenient feedback to students. Then we looked at each of these modes of delivery and discussed the benefits and challenges. 
We gave some best practices for using video, and combining it with text. Jason Neenos from UTO demonstrated three technologies that could be used for sharing feedback in both recorded and live sessions. All are free for ASU Faculty:

As always, there was lots of lively sharing of ideas and discussions, and we ended with a great case study showing how video made a difference to one writing student.

Join us again on September 19 for "Get Active!" where we'll share some innovations from the International Forum on Active Learning Classrooms. RSVP at this link.

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