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Webinar Summary: Grading Large Enrollment Classes

This week's TeachT@lk webinar focused on a common issue at ASU, our large classes. Often faculty have 100+ students, and are overwhelmed at the end of the semester with grading. Our objective with this webinar was to share some different ideas about assessment that might make it a bit easier. I was joined by Lynda Mae from Psychology and Jason Neenos from the University Technology Office.

We started with some tips to use online exams, even for face-to-face classes, that build on Bloom's taxonomy, and some sample questions. We also shared ideas about protecting integrity by randomizing questions, limiting times, browser lockdown and passwords. One interesting tip for multiple choice exams is that research shows that 30 seconds per item prevents cheating and does not tend to lower  performance. Of course, instructors may need to modify that number depending on the type of question.

We also discussed an often controversial topic of group exams. We focused on a few different ways to logistically plan out group or "2-part" or "split" exams, and the benefits and challenges with each.
Finally, we ended our webinar with some features in Blackboard that help with grading, like SmartViews and Color Codes.

For more information, see the resources below, and talk with your department's Instructional Designers.

Resource Links:


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